Jesus Cries



Please excuse me if I misspell a word or make no sense for a split second for the tears streaming down my face are hindering my way. I feel like they are the tears of the Lord Jesus as He watches what is going on in our world.

I cry for the children who are being used as pawns for the evil within hearts of many. The Lord said to bring the children to Him. I am, Lord. I am lifting up these innocent souls for Your care. I pray You put a stop to the madness that we are witnessing here within these United States that You have poured out Your grace on. I pray You forgive them for they know not what they do.

I take that back. They know exactly what they are doing! They are robbing this child of knowing the love and nurturing of a father. He will never feel his loving arms around him or experience the gruff whisper in his ear of his father’s voice or feel whiskers scratch his face as a kiss is planted on his cheek.  He will never hear him laugh with him as he rough houses with him before telling him it’s time to go to sleep. He will never know what it’s like to have Daddy toss him a ball or take him to a ball game or go fishing with Dad. They know exactly what they are doing and they do not care! They are giving You the “finger!” For the enemy has deceived them and turned their hearts to him.


They know exactly what they are doing and what God calls an abomination they have rallied and won the skirmish. This little girl will never know what her mother’s love truly is. She will never know the special smile of Mama as she twirls in a new dress or to go shopping with that special mother-daughter relationship that only a daughter and mother can have as they try on clothes and giggle at a funny hat they try on. She won’t know the tender kisses of a soft woman’s cheek against hers. She’ll only know the scratchiness of a beard, the smell of a man, not the fragrance of a Mom. There will be no Mom to help her pick out her prom dress or show her how to put make-up on. No Mom to help with wedding plans. No, she will only have the males perspective and we know how that can be. They know exactly what they are doing – spitting in Your face!



We cry, the Lord and I, as children are being ripped apart, limb by limb, MURDERED, for what? MONEY! GREED! I cannot fathom a human being so cold and hard-hearted that being careful not to crush the organs is vital to their evil purposes. Oh my dear God how Satan has taken control of these vile, evil people! How do You stand to see this all happening and not scream and pull your hair out? No wonder You flooded the earth! Maybe You should do it again. The evil is unconscionable. They laugh out loud and scream, “God? I am god!”

We cry, the Lord and I, at those who are supposed to help, protect, and defend the innocent, instead use their power to throw them back into the violence of abusive homes. We cry at how many children are being sexually abused. I cry because I know their pain and the hopelessness they feel. We cry, the Lord and I, because it isn’t suppose to be this way. We were given children to love and grow, and teach. They throw the victim aside as though tossing rotten meat in the garbage. They know not what they do? Oh YES THEY DO!


Oh, but the tears fall steadily as we cry, the Lord and I. What is now being taught to the innocent is atrocious. You Lord, created male and female! Now children are being told they are not boys, they are not girls! It gets even worse! What is now being shoved down their young throats isn’t something that a child should ever have to learn. Their minds are too young. Their comprehension not developed. Their understanding not there. Oh how we cry, the Lord and I, at the brainwashing that is taking place within walls that is supposed to educate not manipulate the young minds of the innocent for the perverse actions of grown ups. Children do not need to be taught about oral and anal sex! Nor incest! They know what they do! They are doing it methodically and intentionally! Where is the outcry, Lord!? Why are the teachers and the parents allowing this to be done to the innocent? I want to scream. WAKE UP! I want to scream, STAND UP! I want to scream, TEACHERS REFUSE TO TEACH IT! PARENTS STORM THE SCHOOL BOARDS! JERK YOUR KIDS OUT OF SCHOOL IF NECESSARY!  My God where are their guts?

Oh, Jesus, help us. Wipe my tears, wipe Your tears and come. Let Your presence be known. And have no mercy on the evil that is being perpetrated on Your little ones.


Blessings to you.

5 thoughts on “Jesus Cries

    • Really, why not cry for the kids who are starving, dying from cancer, being abused daily by teachers, priests and who ever else.
      Cry for the kids who get beaten daily by drunken mothers and father’s.
      Cry because the world cannot find the nerve to shake off region and live in peace.


      • I do. It is God that gives us the peace and man that screws it up. Thank you for stopping by. Jesus loves you regardless of your beliefs.


  1. Amen. Glad to hear someone speak out the truth, unhindered in anyway. It is time to not be quiet any longer, we, as a whole Body, have been silent much too long. Thanks Sue for this post. Blessings Gail


    • Thank you Gail. I got a ton of hate comments. Deleted them because of the “feeding frenzie.”
      I have found many people hate truth. It smacks them in their sins and that’s real uncomfortable. Blessings to you as you bring God’s words.


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