The Heavens are Angry

Jan. 24, 2019 11:37 a.m.

The heavens are angry and My wrath shall be poured out. My children are crying, their hearts are ripped apart. For good reason!

Listen up My children for the day of redemption is very near. Pray as you have never prayed before, for the enemy has taken control of those who serve him.

Listen not to human reasoning for the human mind is corrupt. Proof of this is in the latest of laws in your country and My wrath shall be as no one has ever seen.

Take heed you heathens from hell for your days are numbered. You think you have conquered Me but you have seen nothing. Laugh and rejoice at your evil attempts to control what is mine. You shall see the fires of hell in a split second so beware of what you have done.

Your time on earth will soon close and all of eternity faces you. Pray My children. My little ones will be with Me but for now let the tears flow and your hearts will be healed.

Thus sayeth the Lord.

7 thoughts on “The Heavens are Angry

  1. 😥 Sometimes the evil makes me cry. Does the Lord weep?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow. Well said. I am speechless. Heaven weeps and so do I. :*((

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hawk2017 – I disagree. The Babies are innocent, they have no choice, and will be with the Lord, but the adults who murder them will be experiencing the fires of hell if they don’t repent and ask for forgiveness.


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