UnGodly Soul Ties are Destructive



What is the soul? The soul is our mind, will, and emotions. The Devil’s play ground.

What is a soul tie? A soul tie is an emotional bond or connection that unites us with someone else. We can become bound to a person through our soul. This can be done through generational sins that have been passed down through the generations, through vows we have made, and when we are close to someone or something. It can be a best friend, a pastor, our spouse, our children, a grandparent, relative, a celebrity, an abuser, and especially with every person we’ve had sex with. Even inanimate objects such as cars, jewelry, a house, money, etc.

Ungodly Soul ties can be formed with anyone or anything on a daily basis if we are not vigilant.

God creates Godly soul ties. Duet. 10:20 states, “You shall fear the Lord your God; you shall serve Him, and to Him you shall hold fast, and take oaths in His name.” The Lord tells us to love each other and to help each other. By loving someone, as Christ loves us, we are forming Godly soul ties.

Demons cause ungodly soul ties. “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10  Ungodly soul ties can destroy us! They take hold in our mind, will, and emotions, and will destroy what Christ created; love, joy, and peace.

If we are consumed with bitterness and anger, we dwell on the past, feel rejected most of the time, and if we’re constantly meditating on any other person/s or thing/s, we’re probably tied to those people or things. Ungodly soul ties have been formed and need to be broken and severed.

Here are a few keys to knowing if Ungodly soul ties have been formed:

We have been, or are in:

* A controlling relationship.

* An abusive relationship. (Physical, sexual, emotionally, or verbally.)

* Adulterous affairs

* Sex before marriage

* Obsessive entanglements (obsessed with someone or something)

* The occult

It is important to repent, renounce, break, and severe all ungodly soul ties! Even with our spouse! “and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh.” Mark 10:8 Remember, ungodly soul ties are formed through sex. Within the marriage bed and outside the marriage bed. Both husband and wife need to renounce the ungodly soul ties they each harbor.

We are NOT renouncing and severing  GODLY soul ties. We are severing the ungodly soul ties. This brings us freedom to be more like who Christ wants us to be. If we renounce something that the Lord knows is not an ungodly soul tie, don’t worry. No harm has been done. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Ask the Lord to reveal to you the ungodly soul ties that have been formed. Write them down being very specific and renounce each one. Don’t be surprised if there are many. Then thank Him for the Godly soul ties.

Here is a sample prayer of renunciation:

Heavenly Father, I confess and repent of the sin of  (name the sin which caused the evil soul tie, such as adultery or fornication), and I ask that You forgive me of this sin.

(Now is a good time to destroy or get rid of any physical gifts or other objects that could hold the soul tie together, such as a gift given in adultery, etc. Anything that could hold the bond together between you and that person. It’s important to let go of those physical things/keepsakes.)

In the name of Jesus, and by the power of His blood, I now renounce, break and sever all ungodly soul ties formed between (name the person) and myself, through the sin of (name the sin which caused the evil soul tie). I thank You Lord for cleansing me of this sin.

I now command any evil spirits which have taken advantage of this ungodly soul tie to leave me now in Jesus name!

(Repeat this prayer if you have more than one evil soul tie to break.)


Feel free to e-mail me any confidential questions or comments at: elah501c@bellsouth.net





Blessings to you.




7 thoughts on “UnGodly Soul Ties are Destructive

  1. Reblogged this on Cyber Support Group and commented:
    Breaking all ungodly soul ties is part of the healing process and must be done since through sexual abuse many ungodly soul ties are formed. I pray the Lord will help each of us as we wade through the emotional and spiritual ramifications and become more closely to what He created us to be.


  2. Hi Sue.
    I didn’t know you could form a soul tie with an object! That really helps to know!



    • Hi Rolain: Yes, because what you are doing is coveting that thing. It affects your mind, will, and emotions. For example, you have a sports car and the Lord says get rid of it and you “just can’t part with it” so you refuse. You’ve placed the car above God’s will which can also make the car an idol but with soul ties it directly affects your soul. You’re “tied” in an ungodly way to the object. I hope that helps. Have a blessed week. Thanks for your input.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you, Sue, for teaching us about this! God bless you!


  4. Bill McKinnon – Great post! I really sense that most Christians have more of these soul ties than they are aware of. Identification of them is most efficiently found through an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Once identified, they must be repented of and delivered from.

    I agree Pastor Bill. Many Christians have never even heard of ungodly soul ties. Everyone is hung up on being “soul mates.” The Lord gives us the means to be free from the ungodly kind. Thank you so much for your input. It’s greatly appreciated.


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