The United States is in Peril for their Sinful Ways Abound

“Thou shalt rile the heavens and the earth. Thy will be done across the land. Many may fall for the disgrace of humanity. He who rules all shall bring disaster across the land.

The United States is in peril for their sinful ways abound. Here ye O’ nations, do not rejoice in your evil. God Almighty shall wreak havoc amongst your people. The sins of the nations shall roo the day they became brothers with Satan.

Seek ye the kingdom of God for without Him you have no power. The power of your sins shall bring you suffering and heartache. Repent all ye who deal in obscurities of the sinful kind. Lust not for power for the sake of power, for you will fail.

Take up your swords O’ warriors of God. Fight for the rights of the righteous. Let not those who dwindle in despair carry you into the abyss of fallen emotions.

Fight dear loved ones of your King, for the rapture is near and ye who walk by faith shall see everlasting life. Stand up and rejoice and bring others into the pasture land. Your God rejoices with His angels as each is received in heavenly love.

Sing O’ nations who celebrate Christ for your destiny is on the mountain of Zion. Rejoice O’ people of God and sing praises to His name. Do not sacrifice your eternal life for the follies of the world. Bring forth your hearts out of the dungeons into the light of the Most High God.

Be at peace with all for your love will lead many to the throne of God. Be joyful and let His Holiness shine through you to all who look into your eyes. Be His light unto the fallen nations for they shall fall and remain there until the coming of Christ.

He who created all things shall shed tears of joy as the nations fall onto their knees and repent of their ways. Idols shall fall and those who worship them shall fall with them unless they repent and seek Ye who is King of kings and Lord of lords.

Speak out O’ children of God. Let your voices ring the bell towers, echoing off the mountain sides and across the holy ground.”

By the Holy Spirit 10-4-06

Scripture ref’s: Zec. 12:1-2 – Col.3:6 – Prov.14:34 – Lk. 21:25-28 – Jer.23:10-12 – Is. 54:1, 12:6 – Lk. 21:24

Make Haste O’ Nations

Inspirational Christian Blogs


“O’ ye nations your lives are in peril. The people of God shall have everlasting peace. Make haste O’ nations for the wrath of He who created all things shall pour down like the flood waters of the Nile.

Speak ye O’ leaders of the nations for the repentance of your people. Their sins are abominable to Me and My anger shall pour out as sands in an hour-glass. As those sands flow so shall time for time is only a moment in the eyes of the Lord.

Reach out to the poor, the needy, the children, and widows for their needs are great. Your wealth shall be fleeting but your good deeds are remembered. Your sins shall weigh on the scales of heaven, yet your faithfulness will balance the scales of time. Seek ye God’s favor for He will pour out blessings on those who abide in Him. Lands…

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Heart Questions

the grizzle grist mill

Why do babies die too soon?Questions-of-the-Heart-300x259

Why do mothers get cancer?

Why do fathers die tragically?

Why do friends hate and kill?

Why do the innocent suffer?

Sometimes, my heart asks the hard questions, the kind of questions that don’t have easy answers to find. Sometimes, my mind scrambles to understand why evil can be so prevalent in a world in which God made and in people whom God created. Sometimes, life just seems unfair, unruly and undesirable.

Often, I wonder why innocent children are taught to carry guns and strap bombs on themselves to kill people of another religion and race. Often, I wonder why this one is healed of sickness and disease and another says goodbye. Often, I wonder why one family can be so blessed and another can be left so desolate.

In all of this questioning, I have found some answers to be true…

We live…

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What Is Salvation?

Inspirational Christian Blogs

First, let me tell you what salvation is not. It is not a creed, a code, a cause, or a church.

Salvation is not a creed. I hear people say, “Well, I believe the plan of salvation.” And my response? You can believe the plan of salvation and go straight to hell, because we’re not saved by the plan of salvation, we’re saved by the Man of salvation—Jesus Christ.

Second, salvation is not a code. Some say, “Well, I believe that if you just live right you’ll go to heaven.” Friend, let me tell you that if any of us could be saved by living right, then Calvary was a blunder!

Thirdly, salvation is not earned by adhering to a cause. People say, “Well, I believe in loving people. I believe that if I love everybody, God will say, ‘Come on into heaven.’ ” Loving people is nice and it’s…

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X-Rated Article: Trans-America’s XX-XY & Title 1X Crisis

Gender Dysphoria Image

X-Rated Article: Trans-America’s XX-XY & Title IX Crisis


by Rev. Austin Miles

BOISE 3/6/17–One cannot escape the transgender irruption spewing its lava everywhere even in the Hinder-lands, if Idaho can be considered such. It IS a conservative and family oriented state.

The March 3rd issue of the Meridian Press, an area weekly, had a feature headlined: Support Gender Inclusive Facilities at Schools. That piece (command?) was written by Jennifer Gess, Ph.D, a professor for Walden University and has a private counseling practice in Boise. She consoles-makes feel better–transgender children, youth and families to let them know they are as normal as anybody else.  How’s that again?

She praises Obama for using Executive Orders to push Title IX, meaning that XX (females) and XY (males) can pee and shower with any X combination they wish. Babbling on, she scribbles that this order protected transgender students from bullying, discrimination and harassment in the bath rooms and locker rooms.  Well duh! They would have brought that upon themselves by entering an intimate facility where they do not belong.

Ms. Gess then proclaimed after the Title IX (bathroom) Bill passed; “The transgender students I work with, immediately felt acknowledged, validated and normalized knowing the Obama Administration supported their existence.” Yep, that’ll do it every time.

She also pounded her keyboard to push front and center that there were those who objected to this “right” to pee wherever they want with whomever they choose. One of those she blasted is President Donald Trump who reversed that order, bringing common sense into this issue which was in short supply during the last administration.

Professor Gess lectures schools in her state regarding the necessity of allowing any sex to pee with any sex. This, do doubt, gives a sense of togetherness. OK Fellas, pull up your skirts and aim carefully.

She scolded the schools in her state that do not want this guidance from her and criticized them for basing their prejudice on ‘pathologizing” (interesting new word) views of transgender individuals, meaning that built-in sex organs is of no significance to their identities. We suppose that knocks out Genesis once and for all.

This is why she spends so much time lecturing on bathroom inclusivity (another Gess word) to combat resistance to this pee-where-you-will-with whomever you will– whenever you will.  Before entering a bath room, straights must now ponder this specific situation; ‘To pee or not to pee. That is the question.’ 

That mean ole President Donald Trump had the insensitivity to reverse that Obama toilet bill. SHAME on him! “Don’t you know”, the professor bellows on, “that resistance to this social reconstruction of life affects the transgenders so much that additionally, many clients I work with experience urinary tract infections due to their fear of being harassed in the bathroom?”  Wow! We just learned something.

Dr, Gess said that parents must be educated on this issue. Well, she certainly educated this writer with that statement. We never had any idea that not accepting men and boys in dresses entering girl’s bathrooms and showers, causes urinary tract infections. We learn something new every day.

The whole point of this professor and counselor is summed up by her suggesting “that schools put transgender advocates on a school panel to share their stories and normalize the experience of transgender individuals.”  By this standard, it appears that the rest of us are abnormal.

Sometime ago, inmates escaped from the Insane Asylum. They were all rounded up and stood in line at the front of a desk. “What is your name?” the guard demanded of the first in line. “Napoleon” said the inmate. “And WHO gave you that name?” the irritated guard demanded.  “God did,” he answered defiantly. A voice boomed out from the middle of the line: “I DID NOT!”

It is a mental problem to think that you are someone other than who you are. There are those with delusional grandeur, believing that they are a rich and famous when they are anything but. For a parent to encourage their child in transgenderism is a form of child abuse, according to a long list of distinguished hospitals, doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. To do so is to mentally impair them for life.

Transgender identity is listed in the  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as “Gender Dysphoria.” That means a mental health problem that should be treated. It is time to treat mental illness, not celebrate it. We must stop encouraging young people from taking on this false identity which many time is merely to bring attention to themselves.

Kids will do wild things to feel they have gained some significance. The Communist Fake News papers encourage all things LGBTQ and even top level magazines such as National Geographic have added to this confusion by doing an entire front cover story celebrating a transgender little boy (for being ‘an individual’) which will encourage other kids to take that route since the attention gained is so great.  This IS child abuse.

Parents cannot and must not pamper their children in all of their ideas and conduct. If so you are shirking your duty as a parent. You are to GUIDE your children correctly until they are grown. If done properly and you do it responsibly, they will continue to come to you for advice as they grow older. Right now, parents, you are failing! Correction. You HAVE failed.

There is a crowd mentality which in itself gives strength to the feeble minded. And look at the support for obscene language and behavior that has swept up a multitude of people including pastors who have been drawn in to support these causes that are so destructive.

Meanwhile, these “transgender” kids see movie stars pretending to be someone else, even royalty, and becoming wealthy doing so. The lives of these celebrities are all self centered. Their pursuits of insatiable pleasure and immorality combined with their drinking and drugs in excess makes them mental wrecks.

They go on TV programs to discuss their sexual fetishes and use the “F” word constantly. The stars of today are not groomed, have no class, dress like bums with unwashed hair and don’t care how they look. And impressionable young people are watching them and, learning from them. Great examples for our young people.

Watching these ‘celebrities’  with envy are...the preachers who have compromised The Bible, preach sermons that merely tickle ears with pleasant messages about heaven automatically awaiting us…as long as we only believe with no other responsibilities to Jesus. And these same pastors, wanting to get into that limelight, write glowing reviews for films such as, Moonlight, a story about homosexuality.

One pastor writing for a Christian (?) magazine says this is a good film that allows us to walk in the shoes of another life so we can better understand what makes a person tick. He recommends that we all see the flick which displays passionate kisses between men prominent on the big screen. Yuk!

Next a Christian news service published a glowing review of the film abomination, The Shack which is blasphemous, brimming with New Age Religion elements where everybody goes to heaven. In this spin the film has a black woman as God. Swell. The church itself is to blame for the confusion and unrest in this world. They have turned their back on church teachings and have totally compromised the Bible. Meanwhile, the people, without real Christian leadership, have crashed and burned.

I remember years ago asking one young man if he planned to be a pastor. “Yea,” he answered, “that sounds like it would be a lot of fun.”  And that is the collection we have behind the pulpits today.

God has given specific rules to deal with your families.  Confusion rises when God’s Word is dumped to comply with worldly standards. Do not abdicate the sacred responsibility God has assigned to you. Do not agree with destructive ideas to gain ‘acceptance,’ or even love. If so that will all be short lived.

Parents and Pastors: stand firm with the duty God has entrusted you with. You are not to agree to destructive conduct period. To do so makes you a contributor to somebody’s ruin. Tell the confused what GOD says in His Word about any situation they find themselves in. The answer to everything is right there, and it is the preacher’s job to proclaim that.

And by the way, sin weakens any and all who indulge in it. This is why the Communists are pushing for a blur of identity–erasing the lines between male and female. To fall for any of this, anything away from God, makes you vulnerable to being taken over by tyrants. Then it will be too late to say, “I wish I hadn’t done that.

Final Note to Readers. The reference to transgenders above does NOT include those unfortunately born as hermaphrodites, having both male and female sex organs. That is a very painful issue to deal with and as a chaplain have personally witnessed that pain. See my story: Heart to Heart Talk with a Transgender. Here is the link:

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Rev. Austin Miles, a chaplain in Northern California is a writer and historian. He is the author of Santa’s Surprising Origins, a story that received worldwide circulation and resulted in him being cast in the 2004 Hallmark Christmas Movie titled, Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus. He played the mall Santa who magically received the gift of sign language.

YAY!! Jesus has won!

As the author has said, we are definitely in a battle.

Inspirational Christian Blogs

Because of Jesus sacrifice where He actually killed off sin and death, anyone who aligns with Him can genuinely claim Christ as his/her personal Saviour.

Obviously sin and evil still exist in the world! Otherwise extreme evil like ISIS and terrorism wouldn’t be here and we would all be living an idyllic lifestyle.

Evil does exist and will continue to exist until Jesus comes again. This unfortunately means we still have battles to fight.knight-1421358_960_720

This us what Spiritual warfare means ~ there are Christians and those who purposely pursue and persecute Christians ~Satan is alive and well and loves to “put the boot in” where he can ~ even though Jesus has already won the Battle for us when he died for us on Calvary all those years ago.

On saying that, does that mean we have no further battles to face? Of course not ~we have to pick up our swords, put…

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