Opportunity Knocked

Rushing around doing errands and trying to beat the heat of the day I stopped by the assisted living home to visit my 91 year old friend that I’ve been teaching to crochet.

Knocking and entering her room I was a little surprised to see her asleep in the chair. She has some serious heart problems and hasn’t been feeling well the last two-three days. I slipped out after leaving some home grown cherry tomatoes on her recliner. She absolutely loves my little tomatoes.

Then off to the bank I rushed and in a very short, “Good morning” I said, “Kim, (not her real name) do you like to read?” Within a few minutes of simple chatting I learned that she loves to read books, not Kindle, but books. By having a supply of books in my car I walked out having sold two of my latest books. Plus another teller will check out my books for the ones on Kindle.

Opportunities knock in some of the places we really don’t consider. With a simple question I made it known to not just one person in that establishment but several because of word-of-mouth. Then off to the hair salon to see if they need more books.

Take every opportunity you can think of to let people know about your book. Ya’ just never know how receptive some are. And that “word-of-mouth” thing, can prove to be profitable.

Thanks for stopping by





