In Minneapolis the Mayor will give you a mask while you riot, but you can’t attend church

A Front Row View of The Church

In what has to be one of the most blatant, shocking examples of just how far Satan has infiltrated the hearts and minds of governmental authority in this country, the Mayor of Minneapolis Mn. has decided that giving masks to the criminals destroying his city is safer than permitting the citizens to assemble for public worship.

Attending church, it seems, is more dangerous than the incredible violence now on display in Minneapolis.

Now, let’s try to understand this. In the state of Minnesota, any gathering of 10 or more people is strictly prohibited due to the pandemic. However, the government has NOT stopped the gathering of 10 or more looters, thieves, and other criminals who are plundering the city of Minneapolis.

The dangerous Christians though must be kept from assembling together lest they spread the COVID virus. So, we can steal, set fires, over turn police and emergency vehicles…

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In Minneapolis the Mayor will give you a mask while you riot, but you can’t attend church

A Front Row View of The Church

In what has to be one of the most blatant, shocking examples of just how far Satan has infiltrated the hearts and minds of governmental authority in this country, the Mayor of Minneapolis Mn. has decided that giving masks to the criminals destroying his city is safer than permitting the citizens to assemble for public worship.

Attending church, it seems, is more dangerous than the incredible violence now on display in Minneapolis.

Now, let’s try to understand this. In the state of Minnesota, any gathering of 10 or more people is strictly prohibited due to the pandemic. However, the government has NOT stopped the gathering of 10 or more looters, thieves, and other criminals who are plundering the city of Minneapolis.

The dangerous Christians though must be kept from assembling together lest they spread the COVID virus. So, we can steal, set fires, over turn police and emergency vehicles…

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Primed For Hate

Freedom Through Empowerment

Sheeple                                                      Photo Credit:

I just love this article, “What if We’ve All Been Primed?” written by Tom Nokkola and taken from his blog,  It provides some really good insight on why we form cultural tribes and how the COVID-19 saga has put this process on steroids.  It also challenges us to break free from this by questioning some commonly accepted beliefs.

The main premise is something called behavioral priming, which leads us to think in specific ways that pit us against one another.  Behavioral priming, Nokkola says:

is the ability to influence someone’s thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors without them knowing about it, through exposing them to a previous stimulus.  For example, repeating the phrase, “Stay home. Stay safe.” could be…

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Primed For Hate

Freedom Through Empowerment

Sheeple                                                      Photo Credit:

I just love this article, “What if We’ve All Been Primed?” written by Tom Nokkola and taken from his blog,  It provides some really good insight on why we form cultural tribes and how the COVID-19 saga has put this process on steroids.  It also challenges us to break free from this by questioning some commonly accepted beliefs.

The main premise is something called behavioral priming, which leads us to think in specific ways that pit us against one another.  Behavioral priming, Nokkola says:

is the ability to influence someone’s thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors without them knowing about it, through exposing them to a previous stimulus.  For example, repeating the phrase, “Stay home. Stay safe.” could be…

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Contact Tracing & Forced Home Removal

Freedom Through Empowerment

The kind looking man with the gentle voice in the video is Dr. Robert Levin, Health Director for Ventura County, CA.  In it, the doctor explains the new “Test & Trace” program being implemented across the state and how it will work in Ventura County.

Here are some snippets from the kind looking man with the gentle voice  and the time mark where you can find them in the video:

3:49-“When we find someone who has a COVID infection,  those people are immediately isolated.”

4:52- “We will isolate every one of them and we will find every one of their contacts and we will make sure that they stay quarantined.”

5:20-There are gonna be thousands of peopled hired who will be contact investigators across the state.”

6:12-We’re not going to be able to keep that person in their home”

6:25-We’ll be moving…

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The 5 Deadliest Creatures

Mitch Teemley

First it’s a worldwide pandemic. Now it’s Giant Murder Hornets. Zombies can’t be far behind. Actually, according to the World Health Organization, the five deadliest creatures (to humans) aren’t giant murder hornets, lions and tigers and bears, or even zombies. They are:

#5  Dogs – 61,000 deaths per year

d1#4  Snakes – 94,000 deaths per year


#3  Snails – 200,000 deaths per year


#2  Mosquitoes – 755,000 deaths per year


and finally… 

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