Been there-not going back!

imagesCA9KB85OMy fingers are cramped, my back hurts, my eyes burn, and my neck feels as though its frozen in place as I sit slumped over the legal pad and my pen skirts across the paper filling page after page as it writes the chapter about my visit to hell.

“Take a break, child.” The Lord whispers in my ear. “Go lay on the couch and rest for a while.” He gently adds. I lay my pen down and standing I flex my fingers, groan, and stretch my back muscles. Taking a deep breath I slowly walk to the couch and stretch out giving a long sigh of relief. The pen has been writing furiously and now I can take a time out.

My head has barely touched the pillow when suddenly everything turns to black. Black as no other black I’ve ever seen. My body has suddenly been transported from the comfort of my couch to a place that is so dark I can’t see my hand in front of my face. I’m scared. My body begins to shake and I sense Someone has stepped up behind me. Peace begins flowing through me like a gentle wave. No words are spoken.

The blackness is so black there’s nothing for my eyes to adjust to. It isn’t like walking into a dark room where some light peeks in and I can see at least a shadow. No this is so black it can’t be described! Suddenly faces begin to appear in the darkness. I suck in a breath as they come closer and closer to where I’m standing. Men and women, teen-age girls and boys, with expressions of fear, anger, shame, confusion, and some with hatred written in their eyes and across their faces as though in large dark ink. I take a step back. Somehow these people are not allowed to touch me but they have. They’ve touched something deep within me.

A woman, with her head thrown back, screams a bone chilling scream as she furiously twists her long hair and pulls frantically. She screams an agonizing scream, yet no sound comes from her mouth. A man leans toward me and pleads “help me,” yet no words are spoken. His face is a horrible mask of agony like nothing I have ever witnessed.

Face after face appear and pass before me with torture written on them, eyes filled with emptiness, screams of pain and desolation. A man appears and comes toward me with his face contorted with absolute hatred and his eyes meet mine with a putrid violence. I jump back bumping into the white robe behind me. “You’ll be okay, My child” is whispered in my ear as gentle arms wrap around me from behind. I feel His beard on my cheek and the comfort of His arms.

I turn my head to look at Him and ask, “Who are these people?” His eyes fill with tears. “Those who have rejected Me,” He replies with sadness. “But can’t You help them?” I ask. “No child. They chose this place. I gave them every opportunity but they chose this as their eternal home.” I want to scream! I want to beg Him to take them out of here! I want to run from this horrible place. The comforting arms drop from their hug and He takes a step back.

Suddenly the faces are gone and I’m standing as stiff as a telephone pole. Red hot flames have encircled me. Orange, red, yellow, flares up on all sides of me and only my head and eyes move as I look around me. Furious fire engulfs me, yet not one spark touches me.

The Man is beside me. “You’re safe” He says. The flames grow hotter, taller and I can’t believe I’m not even feeling the heat from them. “I am with you,” He says. The flames lick at me but don’t touch me, they grow hotter still and looking skyward I can see the flames are all around me and above me. There is no escape! “I am always with you, even in the fires of life,” is gently spoken.

Poof, the flames are gone!

I’m standing in the total blackness again. My mind is whirling. I have a million questions I want to ask but suddenly my attention is drawn to a white building appearing out of the pitch blackness. It’s a small country-type church. It begins turning. The whole building is slowly turning counter clockwise on its axis. It begins to turn faster and gradually it begins to spin faster and faster and faster until it spins off its axis and flies out into the darkness and disappears.

Suddenly I’m jolted from the darkness back onto my couch with the blare of the telephone ringing just inches from my ear. Confused and disoriented I reach for it. I can barely speak.

I have no idea how long I spent in hell but there’s one thing for sure, I’m not going back! The Lord gave us free will and we are to choose whom we shall serve. Christ or Satan – we can’t serve both. I’ve made my choice as to where, and with whom, I will spend eternity, have you?

“And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you shall serve.” Joshua 24:14

Author Sue Cass- “Dawn’s Light” – “Pursuit” – “Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith” – “Sacrifices of a Saint” – “Seek My Face.”

Blessings to you.

When we’re called by God

There are times when we think the Lord has spoken and has told us to do something or not to do something. There are passages in scripture that talk about discernment. We are to discern where that voice is coming from. Is it the Lord, the enemy, is a spiritual battle taking place and I’m on the battle field, or is it coming from my soul? (I really want to do this!) If we think it’s truly the Lord, we’re to seek confirmation from others through prayer. We don’t have to do this on every decision we make. Because of the trust I have in the Lord and my relationship with Him I seek the Lord’s will on most things.

I have before me another opportunity for a book signing event. My pen has written the books, the Lord has guided me through all the editing, title choices, production processes and events thereafter. He has met all of my needs in doing whatever He calls me to do. Now I have an invitation to speak and sign my books, but for some un-known reason I hesitate to reply to that invitation. It’s as though my spirit is wrestling with the devil.

I haven’t done that before in the case of accepting an invitation to sign books. I’m wondering why now? This could be an event where I sell several books. It could be an event that raises much needed funds for the ministry so why am I not jumping at the opportunity? I’m not sure, but my spirit is not settled. I reach for the key board to send a reply, yet hesitate. At this point I’m not sure this is what the Lord wants me to do. Why? I don’t know.

Without the peace that the Lord gives I will not respond to the invitation until I have prayed, asked another to pray with me, and have had some kind of confirmation from the Lord, through prayer, that He wants me to partake in this particular event or that He does not want me to participate. As long as there seems to be discord within me I will hold off on my reply.

Throughout my walk with the Lord Jesus He has confirmed those things that He has called me to do; sell your home and go where I tell you to go, sell the stock on this particular day for the benefit will be higher, buy this house-not that one, pick up your pen, and the list could go on for miles. If our spirit, which is within us, is unsettled do not take that step until much prayer and confirmation has taken place. The Lord will give us the peace, “beyond all understanding” when it is He who has called us to do something or He wills us to do whatever is before us. Yes, at times we are to step out in faith, but not when our spirit is in a state of upheaval.

Trust in the Lord your God and He will give you the peace to take that step forward. Until He gives you confirmation, or His peace flows through you, do nothing. I’m waiting for that peace.

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let your heart not be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27

Added note: I’ve prayed with another, gotten confirmation as to the Lord’s will, and will be partaking in this event. The lack of peace I felt was due to spiritual warfare. God, through His Son, won again. Praise be to He who is the Mighty One!

Author Sue Cass- “Dawn’s Light” – “Pursuit” – “Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith” – “Sacrifices of a Saint” – “Seek My Face.”

Blessings to you and I welcome your comments. 🙂

At the beach

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Hawaii - 9-20-09 - 9-26-09 156

One of the most enjoyable blessings the Lord gives me is the times that I can spend on a beach. I prefer the sandy beach of an ocean, with the seagulls swooping down for the potato chips I offer. I want the sun beating down on me and breathe in the salty air. To have a big wave slap me in the back of the head and send me floundering beneath the frothy wave is a delight. It’s as though the wave has knocked the grime from my soul and scooped it out into its depths.


Living in north Georgia I don’t have that opportunity very often so the Lord gave me the largest lake in Georgia as my neighbor. There are many small parks with a sandy beach, picnic tables, and walking paths in the county I live in and I have deemed this one, “my lake and my beach.” God is so good! He knows the desires of our hearts and will fulfill those desires according to His will and good purposes. Psalm 37:4 tells us to “Delight yourselves in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” He has definitely done that for me!

Gathering together my blanket, water bottle, pen, and legal pad I head for my beach. The sun is bright, the day is warm, and the tranquility is just what I need. First I must get a taste of the cool water so I wade out and play around for a short time. My mind is at ease in this beautiful setting and I have no doubt the Lord is with me. When He instructs me to “take your pen” I know we’ll be adding more to the manuscript I’m working on.

The relaxed atmosphere is conducive to writing. Drying off I pick up my pen, pray, and allow it to write. Each book I have penned, parts have been written while sitting on a blanket, the birds chirping , the sun bright overhead, and a breathtaking view of Lake Lanier.


The pen skirts across the paper and I don’t worry about misspelled words, the proper punctuation, or the scriptures I might need until I sit down at my computer to transform what has been written at the beach. As I type the words, editing and additional story line is added. The Lord guides me and it is as though there are two sitting at this keyboard. It is an experience that I cherish for it is added time with my Lord and further proof that I am in Him and He is in me. (John 14:20)

Author Sue Cass – “Dawn’s Light” – “Pursuit” – “Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith” – “Sacrifices of a Saint” – “Seek My Face.”

Blessings to you. 🙂

Another first.

Books 4 Less 4-6-13

I’m sitting here wondering what, if anything, I should write that will be encouraging and draw people closer to the Lord. My pen sits idle as I stare at it. “Lord what do You want to write or is this my soul jumping up and just wanting to write something, anything?” I answer my own question and bow my head. As crazy as it may seem, or am I hallucinating, the pen seems to wiggle as if to say, “pick me up, pick me up.” Again I ask the Lord to give me the words. I learned some time back that because the pen writes not everyone wants to read what has been written. I’ve spent several hours gathering material for my first book signing event. I’ve made a small sign stating that all proceeds from my books support Elah Ministries, Inc. I’ve gathered together my books, table cloth, pens, and had book marks made to hand to all my customers. I’m ready! With excitement and some nervousness I lug my box of books into the bookstore. The manager is very nice and understands this is a first for me and encourages me. With my table set up I’m ready to greet all that walk through the door for the next few hours. My expectations are high. I have this wonderful masterpiece that I’ve worked hard on, I’ve waited almost a year for it’s debut, and now it’s time! Of course my friends have bought my book and with shaking hands I’ve autographed them. I’m still nervous and overwhelmed that anyone would want my autograph!  A lady enters the book store, I greet her with a broad smile and think, “Wow my first customer.”  She picks up my book and stands reading the back cover. She looks at me, then again at the back cover, and says, “You wrote this?” “Yes, me and the Lord” I reply. “Well I guess, but you wrote it!” I smile and ask her if she enjoys true stories. She glances off toward the back of the store and gently lays the book back on the table and walks away. Of course I’m a little disappointed but as the hours pass I have more opportunities to chat with customers, and most are very nice; encouraging and supportive when they learn this is my first book. Much to my delight I have actually sold some books and with my hand slightly shaking, I’ve signed them.

5 books (2)

The one thing that seems to amaze me, even now with five books “under my belt,” is how some people want to give all the credit to the person whose name appears under the title. Yes, people say I’m an author because I have a published book but the credit, if given properly, is to the Lord. “I am the vine, you are the branches, He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for WITHOUT ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING.” John 15:5 (emphasis mine)

Author Sue Cass- “Dawn’s Light”“Pursuit”“Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith”“Sacrifices of a Saint”“Seek My Face.”

Blessings to you and I welcome your comments. 🙂

Okay, so you think I’m nuts!

When I asked the Lord Jesus to be my Savior; confessing with my mouth that Jesus is the Son of God, that I believe in my heart that He died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins, and that He arose from the dead, and asked Him to come into my heart, (Ro. 10:9) I added, “I’m giving my life to You Lord. Do with it as you see fit.” Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined the places He would take me or the things that He would do; not only though me, but for me, and within me. Much healing from an abusive childhood has taken place, drawing me closer to Him through worship, study, and other Christians is only a part of it. He has taught me, through some very difficult lessons I might add, to trust Him in ALL things and I can’t be obedient and not trust Him. To be obedient we must trust and visa versa. One cannot be done without the other. He has used His Word, the Bible, to teach me. He has used song to help me worship. He has used others to encourage me and help me understand and answer questions I may have. But the foremost means that He has used in teaching me, guiding me, and working within and through me is His voice! Yes, the Lord God Almighty does speak to us. “…and the sheep hear His voice; and He calls His own by name; and leads them out.” “…and the sheep follow Him, for they know His voice.” John 10:3-5 “My sheep know My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27 When I first began hearing His voice I thought I was nuts. Is this some psychological problem? Is this just me thinking this? Questions bounced around the inside of my head but the Lord is faithful and started proving I was not crazy. I don’t want to preach, that’s not the point of my posts, but I feel the need to say that if we are followers of Jesus Christ we cannot, and must not, have a mindset that God is silent and only speaks through the written word in the Bible. We are missing an awesome opportunity of communication with our Heavenly Father if we pooh-pooh the fact that Christ does have a voice and wants to use it to communicate with His children. As I’ve stated before, when I sit down with my pen I pray. I want the Lord to communicate through my pen, to you the reader, whatever message He feels we need to hear. Not just hear but receive. So todays message is, if you haven’t given your life to Jesus Christ, you won’t have His means to communicate with Him, the Holy Spirit within you. If you have asked Christ into your heart then take another step and allow Him to communicate with you, in whatever way He chooses. A closed heart/mind remains in darkness but Light always penetrates darkness! Invite the Lord to speak to you. Then Listen!!!!

Author Sue Cass- “Dawn’s Light”“Pursuit”“Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith”“Sacrifices of a Saint”“Seek My Face.”

Blessings to you and I welcome your comments. 🙂

God doesn’t do that!

imagesCAZD7MBFSure He does! Several years ago the Lord had me sell my home and move to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming. During the time I was digging my way out of the blizzards and snow and freezing my fanny off,  I had the opportunity to speak at a gathering of various churches for a Thanksgiving Day service.

I was telling how the Lord gave me a dream in which I was marrying a cowboy, (Wyoming is the Cowboy State) how He told me the realtor I would use for selling my home, and how I came to be a resident of this small town. A lady popped up, after I stepped from the podium, and emphatically announced, “God doesn’t do that!” My response was that she needed a bigger box. The box she has God in is way to small.

For some reason many of us place God in a box with the size being of our own choosing. Some boxes are larger than others and some are almost the size of a ring box. My usual thought is that if God can take a hand full of dirt and create a human being or created the whole flippin’ universe, He can certainly do anything He wants!

He literally blows my mind on several occasions with what He does. It’s absolutely amazing! Take my pen for instance. I never dreamed that I could hold a pen and the darn thing would start skirting across the page filling it with words that come together producing a book, a short story, or even a blog! The reason I always pray first is because the enemy, the devil, also knows how to write! I want the Lord’s blessings on my writing not the devil’s! And believe me the devil will take whatever opportunity he can to control what our pen will write if at all possible! There’s lots of “trash” books out there if you need proof of that statement. I’m not discounting the fact that our soul, (mind, will, and emotions), can influence our writing. That’s why I always ask the Lord to also move my soul aside so I don’t interfere or influence what He wants written.

I’m never really sure when the Lord will prompt me to pick up my pen. Here’s just one example. I came into my office feeling rather bored one day and sat down at my computer to play a few games of Bingo. I no more sat down when the Lord said, “Are you ready to write another book?” Needless to say I was shocked but said, “Yes, I guess so.”

No, folks, I don’t sit around and think about what I’d like to write a book about. I don’t have stories going through my head and trying to figure out how I’ll pull all those thoughts together to make a viable story that people might like to enjoy. The Lord asked if I was ready to write another book, I said “yes”, prayed His will be done, picked up my pen and started writing. I had NO idea what the story was going to be!

As a result of that obedience, the TRUST I have in Him, “Dawn’s Light” was produced. During the writing I was much like you the reader, anxious to see what happens next. I was “turning the pages” with  great anticipation and cheered when something I thought should happen did. Felt anger when “Missy” was scared and laughed at some of her pranks. Several times my shouts of “oh that’s cool!” could be heard outside my window. Yeah, I get really excited while writing.

God doesn’t do that? Excuse me, but if He can create a man from a handful of dirt and a woman from a single rib, create an entire universe – I think He can write a book! Now go! Go pick up your pen, ask the Lord what He wants you to write and be surprised.

“For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” Ps. 33:9

“For I am the Lord, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another…” Is. 42:8

Author  Sue Cass- “Dawn’s Light”“Pursuit”“Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith”“Sacrifices of a Saint”“Seek My Face.”

Blessings to you.

And my pen wrote-

After Carla’s husband was killed in Iraq, Carla moves to Ivy, a small Georgia beach town, with her five year old daughter. Hoping for a fresh start and healing of her heart, Carla and Missy enjoy their first few months playing in the waves, building sand castles, and their new home. Suddenly Carla notices a stranger watching her daughter intently. Who is this person and what do they want with her daughter?

dawn's-light- Cover photo

Compelling. Suspenseful. Inspiring. A mixture of romance, intrigue, Christian values, and subtle tactics of Satan. A story that will keep you on the edge of your seat!


Margaret and Clay have loved raising their two ambitious daughters in their home near Atlanta. The two sisters are as different as night and day. Chris is a force to be reckoned with in the courtrooms in Atlanta as a prosecuting attorney. Teri has taken a dream job in California. Both women have a heart for helping hurting people but in very different ways. Chris is busy winning cases while Teri enjoys the beach life. Both women love their professions but begin to desire more than just their careers. Will Chris’s unspoken fears stand in her way of future happiness? Will Teri give up the dream job and beach life for something more?

Cover Tate did-PursuitFull of exciting twists, intrigue, heartwarming romance, and a strong sense of family.


Thirteen days after the death of Sue’s husband she gave her life to Christ. Within a couple of weeks she began experiencing supernatural phenomena such as having visions, seeing angels, and hearing angelic choirs. In this autobiography she reveals the struggles, sacrifices, and suffering she went through, as she says, “in attaining an honest, faith-filled, and obedient relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Published 2008Unique in presentation, heartfelt, and inspirational. My story is a testimony of faith and obedience and is so transparent that many Christians would not want to share.


In her soul searching account Sue recounts her roller coaster ride to acceptance of Jesus Christ as her Savior. Her difficult journey begins with baptism-a comforting place to begin- but is shadowed by the trauma of childhood sexual abuse and later by the death of her husband. The Christian life, she discovers, is like a rose garden – beautiful in every way except for the thorns. On her way to the top of the mountain of salvation she learns to do battle with the tricks of Satan. Her growing relationship with Christ gives her strength through difficult times. The valleys stretch her spiritually, and finally she knows she can walk with Jesus Christ with new boldness and confidence.

Published 2009Compelling, transparent, and heartfelt. A testimony of faith and obedience.


This book challenges us to look within. We all face consequences to every choice, action, and belief we have in our every day life. Those choices affect us not only on a personal level but will be passed down for generations. “Seek My Face” is thought provoking with encouragement to Christians and non-Christians. Sue invites us to take a journey of inner reflection hoping to reveal the truth about ourselves through the questions asked and the prophecies offered.

Published 2010Hard hitting! Thought provoking! Are you brave enough to look within your own beliefs? Be prepared to be confronted.

God bless you and all books may also be ordered through or directly from me.

All proceeds from the sale of my books support Elah Ministries, Inc.

I’d love to hear your comments. 🙂

Oh the goofs!

Several years ago I began writing “my story.” I thought if I wrote about my abusive background it might help others in some way to cope with their abusive past but in retrospect I finally realized it was to expose my abusers and “make them pay” for what they did. Much healing and forgiveness has taken place since then, Praise be to God! I remember the manuscript was quite thick and the postage was quite expensive when I mailed it to a publishing company. I was sure it was a story that would be received with great joy. It was for the benefit of others, right? I waited with excitement for my acceptance letter. I’d check the mailbox daily and be disappointed each time when there was no letter from the publisher. Hurrying to the mailbox about a month later I opened the mailbox and much to my surprise my manuscript was returned in a torn package. I couldn’t understand why it was sent back and thought maybe that was the norm for this new adventure I was embarking on. When I ripped open the package I was greeted by a sheet of paper taped to the top page of my manuscript prominently displaying, in very large print, one word. “LIABLE!” What does that mean? I pondered on it for several hours and just couldn’t seem to grasp why they would reject such a great human interest story so I finally called the publishing company and was told quite rudely, and in a very frank manner, it was “liable” and they would not publish it! The person didn’t bother to explain what made it liable. Several days later, still confused, I sat down to re-read what I had written. Oh my. I still didn’t understand the liable part because I had changed the names of my offenders but I can honestly say that I recall being quite embarrassed about how poorly it was written. Much of it didn’t make sense, even to me, the author! I could feel the anger, bitterness, and quest for revenge screaming out of the words with every page I turned. It was a manuscript that quickly went deep into the bowels of the box filled with rejected short stories, magazine clips, etc. that I tried my hand at over the years. It was only when I was going to submit the manuscript for, “Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith,” to a publisher many years later that I called before doing so. That book isn’t about abuse. It’s a journey of trusting and being obedient to the Lord. Because sexual abuse is talked about in the chapter on the support group, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t liable. That was when I learned what they meant by a story being considered “Liable.” To make it short and simple, be very careful what light you are putting actual people in. Living people can/will sue you! Dead people can’t. Even though the names are changed we must be very careful and also put in a disclaimer or have written permission from the actual person we’re writing about. In my new novel, “Dawn’s Light” there are first names that are the same as some of my friends and family. The characters in the book have nothing to do with the actual person with that name. There are many people named Sue, for example. We can’t avoid using a name that may be an actual person’s name. Hence the disclaimer. So remember that when we take up our pens we must write in a way that glorifies the Lord Jesus. “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” Colossians 3:23

Author Sue Cass – “Dawn’s Light”“Pursuit”“Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith”“Sacrifices of a Saint”“Seek My Face.”

I’d love to hear your comments. 🙂

We’re all gifted

I hope that reading about my lack of skills in my last post was an encouragement to you and not taken as just a confession of how inept I am in some things. Basically I was saying that if I can do it, you can, too, with the Lord’s help. As I mentioned before people tell me quite often at book signings, “I’ve always wanted to write a book but I just don’t know how.” Honestly? I don’t either! But God does. God gives each of us a gift or talent, whatever you want to call it. I’m not saying I am particularly gifted in writing but He knew and has nourished my desire to write. It’s much like those He has gifted in singing, acting, doing crafts, or whatever the gift is. He’ll honor that desire in some way. Maybe you don’t have a desire to write a book. That’s okay. He has put on your heart something that He can use for His glory. He will use our life experiences in some way to help others. In my case He has, and still does, use the abusive background to help those who had similar backgrounds. Hence the support groups, the “Angels by Grace,” Elah Ministries, and  my books.  Maybe you lost a child, had a painful divorce, lived through a horrific car accident. Life has all kinds of situations and circumstances that the Lord can use to help others. If you will allow Him He will place you in a position to use whatever gift/talent He has given you. I have a dear friend, whom I don’t think was ever homeless, but has a heart for caring for the less fortunate, another cherished friend loves to sing and sings in her church choir, my cousin has a heart for animals. In todays society it’s all about me! Me, me, me. “Take care of number 1.” I’m no Bible scholar but from what I’ve read throughout the scriptures Jesus was not a “me, me, me,” person. He cared about others. Be it human or animal. “…not one of them is forgotten before God…” (sparrows) Luke 12:6-7  Whatever your hearts desire is He can use and if it is through writing then hey, have at it! Yesterday I was at the dentist office getting my teeth cleaned. My dentist is a Christian and in the short conversation we had I learned that he had read my book, “Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith” not once but twice! That tells me that he was getting something from it. That maybe the Lord was pointing out things within my story that encouraged him. That warms my heart! To me that’s what it’s all about! Each book I pen there’s a message, whether it’s in one that I call “serious reading,” like “Seek My Face,” or a novel. There’s a message the Lord wants to bring out. “Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith” is my journey in learning to trust the Lord and be obedient to His call. I learned from an early age not to trust, be independent, hide your true feelings, and don’t get close to others. “No-one’s going to help you so you better take care of yourself.” Talk about the world’s lessons! God was transforming me big time from the inside out. I had hard lessons to learn and with His love, gentleness, and not so gentleness at times, He has brought me far. If we allow the Lord freedom to work within us and through us we will be amazed at what He can and will do. An open heart lets the Light in. So sit down, pick up a pen, and ask the Lord what He wants to tell you. You’ll be amazed!

NOTE: If you like my posts and would like to be notified automatically with an e-mail each time I post, click on “Comment”  then the “follow” button.

Blessings to you.

Author Sue Cass – “Dawn’s Light” “Pursuit”“Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith”“Sacrifices of a Saint”“Seek My Face.”

I’d love to hear your comments. 🙂

Now what, Lord?



Over a period of time I finally realized that I was not crazy and the voice in my head was the Lord Himself speaking to me. He drew me closer and closer to Him and gradually I formed a close relationship with Him. That’s what He wants, not for us to just believe in Him, but to have a relationship with Him. He was transforming my life even when I went kicking and screaming. He was teaching me to trust Him and the big tests were yet to come.

The Lord led me through a mess of emotional stuff from the abusive childhood I lived. Emotional baggage can stand in our way of a loving relationship with our Father. In my case I couldn’t even call Him “Father.” He took care of that problem by constantly reminding me that He is not like my earthly father.

In 1994 he told me to start a support group for women that were sexually abused as children. You must be kidding! I’ve never even been to a support group! Oh, have no doubts my friends, when the Lord calls us to do something He’s always faithful to provide what we need along the way and not just what we need, but guide us step by step if we allow Him to.

I was the facilitator of the support group for eleven years and the healing that so many attained was remarkable. All the glory goes to the Lord for I was gaining added healing through the support group as well.

What does that have to do with my eventual writing books, you ask? One morning I was awakened by a loud demanding voice. “Get up! We have work to do.” I shot straight up to a sitting position from a dead sleep thinking someone had broken into my house and was standing by my bed. When I saw no one standing in the room I flopped back down and thought I had dreamed it.

“Get up, we have work to do” was repeated and with a groan I recognized the Lord’s voice.  “You’re going to create a magazine” He explained. Now I couldn’t help it but the thought, “One of us has to be crazy” made its way through my mind. The magazine, “Angels by Grace” was born that day.

He showed me every step and it is one of the most cherished memories I have in my early walk with the Lord. The ladies in the support group wrote short testimonies and in no time people from several different states were submitting their testimonies, prayer requests, and confessions. The magazine was for survivors and by survivors and God’s blessings were pouring out. I published “Angels by Grace” for four years. Of course I had my own testimonies in there at times, too. The Lord continued to give me opportunities to write.

Have you ever thought what an amazing invention the pen is? Holding this skinny cylinder with a point with lead sticking out the end or a tiny rolling ball that spills ink on the paper, it can be a chew toy through deep thought or produce words that can be seen on a blank sheet of paper. Okay some use computers but still, the pen is a most fascinating creation. I pick up a pen, look at it, and ask the Lord, “What do You want to write, Lord?” It’s absolutely amazing! The darn pen starts skirting across the paper as though it has a mind of its own.

Ahhh, and you thought I write this stuff. Fooled you.

Author Sue Cass : “Dawn’s Light” (to be released Feb.) – “Pursuit” – “Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith” – “Sacrifices of a Saint” – “Seek My Face” – “Grace Defined”

Blessings to you.