No Words that I can Repeat

‘Pansexual’ pervert proposes adding P for pedophiles to LGBT


We warned you about the slippery slope.

A self-appointed spokesman for the LGBT “community” named Ernst Steiner is urging LGBTs to add P to LGBT.

P is for “pedosexuals” — the Left’s new Orwellian euphemism for pedophiles.

Here’s Steiner’s propaganda of April 23, 2017 for a blog he founded called Heart Progress because, you see, fisting and banging bungholes and raping children is all about ♥ loove ♥, and “love is ageless” because pedophilia is just another sexual orientation and attraction, those noble LGBTPs just want to “legalize love”, and only “bigot” and “hatemongers” oppose and persecute those endearing “pedosexuals”:

For years, the struggle against hate and bigotry has gone on. For years, sexual minority groups of all sorts have faced persecution. Now, in the 21st century, we are finally beginning to see that bigotry begin to disappear. Homosexuals have the right to marry, minority genders are finally being recognized, transgender children are finally getting the treatment they need to be who they are, and most importantly, these groups are finally being given minority status.

But the sexual liberation movement has only just begun, and there’s still more work to be done. Yes, homosexuals have the right to marriage in some places, but there still needs to be global laws to ensure they have the right to marriage in all places. Sure, transgenders are being recognized for who they are, but discrimination against them is still rampant in today’s world. Luckily, these issues are being tackled by progressive groups across the globe, but there is still one minority group that is marginalized to the point of neglect: pedosexuals.

Since the beginning of the LGBT+ movement, pedosexuals have been there helping to achieve sexual liberation for all. Unfortunately, pedosexuals have also been the ones to stand up and take the heat to help prevent abuse toward their other sexual minority friends. This act of bravery among pedosexuals in the name of sexual equality has led to them being the ones being persecuted to this day, despite also being born with a different attraction. Now that the sexual liberation movement is succeeding, bigots have now focused all of their hate on pedosexuals, as they have already lost the war against other sexual minorities.

So the question still stands: Should the LGBTQ+ movement acceptpedosexuals? I think that the answer is quite obvious: Absolutely! Pedosexuals have helped achieve so much for the other sexual minority groups, that it would simply be unjust to allow them to suffer in discrimination due to hateful bigots on the right. Pedosexuals are going through what other sexual minorities went through thirty years ago, all because they were willing to take the heat so that their allies within the sexual liberation movement could move forward.

We of the LGBTQ+ movement need to do the moral thing and progress passed this bigotry toward these sexual minorities that is so often encouraged by the systemically bigoted mainstream. We cannot stoop as low as the hatemongers that have kept ourselves down, and we need to stand up for those who’ve held such an important role in our liberation. As a pansexual man, I am in full support of pedosexual rights, and you should be too.

The dictionary says “pansexual” is someone who’s sexually attracted to people regardless of their gender. But why restrict yourself to just “people” of all genders? That’s species discrimination!

Just you wait and see. Next on the agenda of pansexual Ernst Steiner and his ilk will be bestiality, which they prefer to call zoophilia, ’cause banging animals is all about loove, loove, loove.

See also:


Republished with permission Fellowship of the Minds

Middle-EarthProfessional author and Full Professor. A conservative in the tradition of the Founding Fathers. Hobby: troll hunting

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Beware of long term deception

Disciples of hope

What if I told you that no matter how much information you share with your friends about the corrupt Babylonian world system and its reach in school, college, work and church, over 90% of them won’t care until it’s too late & only then will they wonder how we allowed this to happen?

A little bit of deviation from the good, can get you more towards evil. A little tolerance of immoral behavior, can cause a region to have rampant adultery and fornication, in a few decades if unchecked. A little leniency towards lies, can cause the entire community to be untrustworthy.

What’s the ‘little’ in your life and that of your friends and family that must not be given to evil, is not just your choice but your undeniable responsibility?

A few Bible verses to consider about the little things or little leaven of life:

  1. And again Jesus said…

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His Glory will be Revealed

“Thunder rolls like massive mountains being moved. Streaks of lightning flash lighting up the skies. Roll of thunder give the earth your roar for the end is near and all will see His presence among the clouds.

Light will cross and light the skies around Him as His glory will be revealed. Heaven and earth will bow at His feet and all will cry, Holy is the Lamb.

Be not afraid O’ children of Israel for your God will prevail. The wars of time shall cease and My people will rejoice. Come O’ Mighty One for your battle has yet to take place. Skirmishes here and there only reveal the great objective.

Bring My people home, sayeth the Lord, bring them to repentance. The Lord your God is just and forgiveness abundant. Repent O’ Jerusalem, lay down your ways. Gather not the stones of time past but bring forth the words of new.

Let His presence guide you, teach you His ways. Fall to your knees and praise His Majesty.

Repent O’ Jerusalem, lay your idols aside, turn your faces to the heavens for your God is there. His righteousness is ever-present, His truth is to be told. His grace will light your hearts and His victory is yours.

Take heed O’ Jerusalem for the time is near. The time to seek all He has, for destruction lies ahead. Call your soldiers, soldiers of war, for the enemy is near and he wants your land.

Destruction and chaos is around you, repent and save your soul. Go forth in battle with your heads held high for I am with you as I have been before. Take up your swords and march in time, in time as the Lord your God directs.

Take up your swords and circumcise your hearts. The harvest is here and let not your chaff lay on the roadside. Be in full bloom as only He can do. Fill yourselves with His fruit and leave the hull behind.

Take up your swords My precious children. My chosen, for the seas shall part, the rivers will dry. The leading of the Lord is yours for the asking.

Revenge is Mine, sayeth the Lord. Keep your hearts in check. Do not hasten where hasten is not needed. Wait upon the Lord. Be My people with cheers of joy, rejoice for the victory is yours.”

By the Holy Spirit 8-5-06

Scriptural ref’s:  Duet. 32:39-42 – 2Cor. 2:14


Happy? Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day and I have avoided turning on the T.V., going to church, and those things that remind me of what a mother is supposed to be but that many of us did not experience.

Growing up in an abusive home where the abuse is ignored or perpetrated by the mother does not leave happy memories for many of us. Whether it was the Dad doing the abuse or the mother inflicting the physical or emotional pain, it leaves more than just a bad taste in the mouth of the surviving child/adult.

We hear from the pulpits across America the testimonies of those mother’s that raised their children in loving and caring homes. I’m happy for those children that have those memories. They are truly blessed more than they probably realize.

But what about the others? Those of us that hear the wonderful testimonies and sit quietly trying to hide the tears and shut out the memories of abuse, betrayal, and mother’s that chose to be far less than what God wanted her to be. Every child loves their mother whether they admit it or not. That’s why the pain is so deep.

Many people do not want to hear the testimonies of hurt, pain, and betrayal within a family, especially within a church. “This isn’t the place for that” is what I’ve heard after giving a testimony of an abusive childhood. Even though those testimonies reveal the healing power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. “It’s just too awful to hear.” So the pulpits are sadly quiet about what reality is to many and how the Lord has healed the hearts of many.

Many of us that have experienced the healing power of Christ do forgive, as difficult as it is. And many times we have to forgive over and over and especially on days like today; Mother’s Day.

In my case, my mother is with the Lord. Praise God because she accepted Christ as her Savior in her late 80’s so I know she is with Him.

But what about those who still have their mother’s? Those who, out of a sense of obligation and a bad taste in their mouth, send the flowers and cards? Honoring your mother and father, as Christ commands, causes some to feel that dreaded obligation but what it means is that you are acknowledging their authority, their position, as your parent.

Forgiveness is a powerful thing. It does not say what they did was right. It does not say we have to have contact with them or a relationship with them. It says we release the hurt, the anger, the guilt, the shame, and the unforgiveness. For our benefit not theirs. Our Father in heaven forgives us as we forgive others. If we won’t forgive then He will not bless us with His forgiveness.

I pray that we may hand our hurt to the Lord and celebrate that there are mother’s who exemplify the Father’s love of His children and set aside the hurtful memories. Forgiveness does not render amnesia.

Blessings to you.


And then…

Sitting outside on my back deck enjoying the cool morning breeze I see something move out of the corner of my eye. A flash of something crosses my patio. Looking to see what it was I don’t see anything at first.

And then …

A small black nose under two very alert black round eyes peak out from under the edge of a leaf of my large Hosta plant.

I sit very still watching.

And then……

A sudden movement and the critter darts across my rock garden and takes a seat on the cement edging. 

I’m thrilled! I immediately name him “Charlie” after the chipmunk that would eat seeds out of my hand several years ago. When he scampers back under the plant I go to the garage to retrieve a small cat dish I have had for some time and fill it with sunflower seeds.

And then…


He soon returns, finds his gourmet meal and fills his fluffy little cheeks. When full, he scampers off to his home under the deck.

Every morning and every evening I set out his buffet. It now has corn kernels and sunflower seeds. He loves both!

Watching him enjoy his buffet this morning I’m taking pictures of him when suddenly I hear a huffing sound off to my right. I look but see nothing.

And then…

The pounding of hooves splits the silence.

I wait.

And then…

the deer are back!

Three deer run past my deck towards the dinner dish I fill with corn kernels for them. They have been emptying it at night so I knew they were around.

I’m grateful I have my camera in hand as they run up the hill.

Two stop and look back. The one on the right stands looking at me with an expression of gratitude? I remember you? Where’s breakfast?

I say Good Morning softly to them.

And then…

They were gone.

Blessings to you.

A Dispatch From My Cave

If this doesn’t encourage you, nothing will.

Unshakable Hope

I’ve joked for many years that I feel like a caveman. Unfortunately, ALS has turned me into somewhat of a recluse; the weaker I get, the more reclusive I’ve become.

As most of you know, I cannot speak or move. I use an eye-tracking computer to type and “speak.” Light affects the camera tracking my eye movements so I keep it dark in my bedroom, where I spend 95% of my time.

Allow me to paint you a brief picture of this scene: I’m in our large bedroom reclining in my wheelchair. I’m tethered to my breathing machine and a little pump that slowly releases manufactured sustenance into my feeding tube. We have blackout curtains that are usually closed and the only light coming in is from the open blinds of the door leading out to the back patio.

You can see why I’ve nicknamed our bedroom “

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Don’t Defy His Word!

“The grace of God, the Most Holy One, shall bring His wrath against those who defy His Word. The nations shall fall for His righteousness cries out across the land. Woe to those who come against My people. Woe to those who turn from My land to bring destruction against that which I have deemed to be holy.

Those who try Me in their indifference to My words shall fall as flies in a land of destruction. He who thinks his wisdom is great shall fall by the sword in his stupor of ignorance.

Be on guard you fools for His Majesty shall bring you down. Do not tread on waters with the vipers of all time, for you shall be devoured.

O’ Jerusalem repent of your deeds. The judgment of all your people is fast approaching. Bring your kin, your children, to the cross of Jesus for your future is in peril by those who refuse to believe.

Stand fast My children for the Lord your God shall give you the desires of your hearts. Freedom shall ring and grace prevail for all who follow the King.

Be on alert My people of God for the forces of evil are on the hillsides. Time has come for armor to be placed in position of defense. Many shall perish, many shall hide. Those who hold fast in the faith in Him who created all shall rise in victory.

Stand tall My children for many shall woo you to places of no return. Evil abounds and the world is fallen into the decency of worldly ways. Peril and destruction shall soon be on the shores of the nations, for the people revolt against those who follow My decrees. Have mercy, forgive, and pray for their salvation.  Their ears are deaf, their eyes are blind, yet they swagger as though they are kings.

My anger shall flow like the rivers of time. Flowing into the seas of My wrath. For My wrath has been held in check by My mercy being poured out.

Take heed all ye who think your ways are not noticed. Your ways are despicable in My sight and forgiveness shall not come without repentance.

Rise up O’ children of God, shout from the mountain tops, ‘HE IS ALIVE, HE IS COMING, REFORM YOUR WAYS OR FACE HIS WRATH.’

The Unites States is about to embark on a dangerous path. Repent ye who turn your people to disillusionment and think they are following My ways.

Your leaders shall learn the lessons of grief, of destruction, and shall fall as rocks from a mountain top. Your ways have brought shame and I, the Lord of lords, shall wreak havoc upon you.

Repent or face a time of destruction in all areas that you think you are mighty. Your armies cannot save you from My Mighty hand, your leaders shall turn in confusion and fear.

Bring forth the believers and pray for mercy for all who reject My ways.”

By the Holy Spirit – 11:08-06

Scripture ref’s: Duet 28:1-52 – Is.5:8-22 – Jn. 15:5-9 – Ps. 37:4, 72:3, 85:2-6 – Dan. 9:16 – Is. 2:6 – Jer. 27:13, 17:3-4 – Joel 2:17 – Hab. 3:13

Young Children’s Thoughts About Love



Touching words from the mouths of babes. What does ‘Love’ mean to them?

 A group of Teachers posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds… What does ‘Love’ mean to you?’

 The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think…

When my Grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my Grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s Love. Rebecca- age 8                                                 

‘When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.’      Billy – age 4  

‘Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.’  Karl – age 5


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