What size box do you have God in?


Standing before a congregation in a small church in Wyoming I’m speaking about how the Lord brought me to this town. I hear a woman in the second row emphatically tell her neighbor, “God doesn’t do that!” This lady obviously has a particular size box that she has our Lord and Savior encased in.

So what size box do you have Him in? Is it that we have a particular size box for Him or that we are the ones that has placed our faith in Him in a box?

As a new Christian I found my box of faith was pretty small but the Lord was quick to begin tearing the sides off my box. He began by allowing me to hear His voice in an audible way. “My sheep will know My voice” John 10:27  At first I thought I was mentally ill because I kept hearing, “I love you. I am not like your earthy father.”

Then the visions began. I had a very close friend who was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. After having a bone marrow transplant that failed she was transported in a very glorious and beautiful way to heaven. By opening my spiritual eyes the Lord allowed me to see my friend jettison to heaven. A beautiful purple light is swirling toward heaven. It races heaven bound followed by a pure white light that’s beside, mingling with, and swirling with the purple light. I know instinctively it’s my friend and I shout, “You go girl! The angels can’t even keep up with you!” I feel her joy. The phone call minutes later from her husband confirmed what I just witnessed.

“Open my eyes so that I will observe amazing things from your instruction.” Ps. 119:18 The Lord has opened my spiritual eyes to many things. A man in our church tries to commit suicide and dies. The Lord shows me this man streaking towards heaven, then standing and talking to Jesus. The only words I hear is, “It isn’t your time.” He’s revived and lives. At the very moment the Lord showed me this was the very moment this man died. It was confirmed by my pastor who was there with the man. I was also allowed to see my beloved husband cross the finish line into glory. (See my post, “Reaching the Finish Line”)

Oh yes, the Lord is opening my box wide. He’s tearing down the preconceived ideas of who He is and what He can and will do. A trip to hell rips the sides off my box big time. (See my post, “Been there-Not going back!”)

Over the years the Lord has taught me much through His Word, through speaking to me, through visions, mental snap shots and experiencing the miraculous. I have seen angels encamped around people. I have seen demonic camps over various churches or cities. Part of my ministry is delivering people from the demonic attachments that the Lord shows me. I have experienced and witnessed His healing, both physical and emotional.

The Lord has no box, we do!

During my healing process from growing up in an abusive home He showed me how my grandfather had dedicated any and all children my father would have to Satan. He walked me through all the prayers of repentance, forgiveness, and severing of those generational ties. I have been in God’s Heavenly court where God deemed me not guilty. (See my post “Taking Care of Legalities-True story.”)

He has shown me how witchcraft, Satan worship, and the generational sins, like attitudes and unbelief, of my past generations has affected me in my life. Sexual abuse was big in my past generations. Children were to be used for whatever perverted pleasures came to the men’s minds. A vision of a small girl being raped in a field. Bloodied and shattered she is left to die as the men walk away laughing. Many times I was left bloody and crying as my Dad walked away.

God has no box! We must be open to whatever He wants to do within us, through us, or for us. If we remain contained with a fixed attitude of what God can do or will not do we have confined ourselves in a box not made of cardboard but of steel.

There are many gifts the Lord has and wants to share with us. We must be willing to be His vessel so that He can let any and all gifts flow through us for whatever occasion or purpose He has. The gifts are His and we are His vessels He uses to enable His purposes to be fulfilled. He isn’t limited, we are – by our boxes.

Allow Him to rip the box you are in wide open and watch what happens.

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Read more about how faith and obedience can rip those boxes apart. My true story reveals lessons well learned about God’s faithfulness.

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Published 2008

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Blessings to you.

4 thoughts on “What size box do you have God in?

  1. Blessings to you dear Sue for sharing things such as this. I hope many are inspired and find hope through your writing and the subsequent blessing of the Holy Spirit.

    If ever you have time and are interested – email me about being an author on ICB. 🙂


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