YAY!! Jesus has won!

As the author has said, we are definitely in a battle.

Inspirational Christian Blogs

Because of Jesus sacrifice where He actually killed off sin and death, anyone who aligns with Him can genuinely claim Christ as his/her personal Saviour.

Obviously sin and evil still exist in the world! Otherwise extreme evil like ISIS and terrorism wouldn’t be here and we would all be living an idyllic lifestyle.

Evil does exist and will continue to exist until Jesus comes again. This unfortunately means we still have battles to fight.knight-1421358_960_720

This us what Spiritual warfare means ~ there are Christians and those who purposely pursue and persecute Christians ~Satan is alive and well and loves to “put the boot in” where he can ~ even though Jesus has already won the Battle for us when he died for us on Calvary all those years ago.

On saying that, does that mean we have no further battles to face? Of course not ~we have to pick up our swords, put…

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