“But Lord, You said….”



Over the years the Lord has put my faith to some really big tests. When I first became a Christian He knew I was used to being told what to do, not asked if I would kindly do something. Because of His grace He speaks to us in the ways we are used to.

In 1998 a big test was put before me. “Sell your home and move where I’m sending you.” He didn’t bother to tell me exactly where that was until shortly before I was to hop in the car and cross the country.

That started what I call the “five year odyssey.” As I drove across the country He finally notified me that I would be there for eighteen months. Don’t you just love it when the Lord only tells you what you need to know for that moment and nothing more? He kept telling me, “Trust Me.” It got very frustrating!

I was there for eighteen months and then the surprise came for the next location. “You’ll be here a year.” I thanked Him. It was only at each step that He would tell me what I was to do while I was at each of these locations.

I was learning to trust Him and to be obedient without question. Believe me that was not an easy journey! I learned distrust from a very early age and to just say, “Trust Me” wasn’t flying very well with all I had learned for years.

More moves came about. The third move He said I would be there for two years but suddenly told me I would be moving again. “What? You said I’d be here two years. This is six months early?” “Trust Me.” More hard lessons were learned.

On the fourth move I find myself leaving boxes packed because I have no idea where He will send me next. “You don’t have to move any more” the Lord said as I stood trying to decide which boxes to unpack. When I’d hesitate to hang a picture He’d tell me the same until finally I unpacked everything and set up my “nest.”

Five years later –

“I want you to move to…” came the familiar voice. I couldn’t believe it! “But You said I didn’t have to move any more!” I screamed. I was devastated! Satan quickly slithered in and convinced me that Christ was a liar. That I couldn’t trust Him and I needed to walk away from Him. The enemy had me convinced that God Almighty had betrayed my trust. I confess, I listened. Not to the Lord but to the father of lies. I came within a hair of turning my back on my heavenly Father who loves me, accepts me, and wants me to be all He created me to be.

I rejected the prayers of others. I didn’t want to hear them in my hurt and anger. I cried. I stomped in a fit of rage. I refused to listen to or speak to my Creator. Oh Satan was doing a really good number on me. He had a hold on me that was firm and he was determined not to let go.

Remember the verse that says we are in God’s hands? That nothing will separate us from His love? I don’t remember how long I was in the grips of the enemy. I felt deeply hurt and that God had betrayed my trust. I was hurt, angry, and confused but I had a choice to make. Was I going to be obedient or stay put? I started packing.

Did God change His mind? Did I hear wrong when He said I don’t have to move any more? No, I heard right. He said, “You don’t HAVE to move any more.” He said, “I WANT you to move to…” In other words, I had a choice. I didn’t have to obey His request. I could sit back comfortably (oh right!) and stay in my nice nest or I could go through the rigors of packing up and leaving to who knew where for reasons only Christ knew.

There have been three more moves since then. In another move He said I’d be there two years but had me move in a year and half. Did He change His mind again? Does He change His mind? In Exodus 32:14, Moses was pleading with God to not pour out His wrath on the people. “So the Lord relented from the harm which He said He would do to His people.” It sounds like a change of mind to me. What do you think? Does God change His mind?

If we are true followers of Christ we are to trust Him completely. If we trust Him we will be obedient no matter what He calls us to do. The enemy, Satan, has one goal; to rob, steal, and kill. He will rob you of your joy, he will steal your faith, and kill all hope……………….if you let him.


Published 2008  Learn the whole story.



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Blessings to you.






12 thoughts on ““But Lord, You said….”

  1. Sometimes, we wonder if God realizes how hard it is to physically pack up and move. And all the logistics of paperwork afterwards…at least we don’t need to travel with packs of donkeys and camels today. Ah friend, I hear you. It is hard to lay down one’s life so that He be glorified, no matter what it looks like to other people. All that we need to be is obedient. Did you find out why He required you to move so many times and what the purpose(s) was/were in each place? 🙂


    • Hi Adeline: Praise God for motor homes and cars! I’d still be on the road if it was a donkey or camel. lol
      All the moves were to teach me to trust Him and to put me in positions where I had to rely on Him in all circumstances. I think you would really enjoy my autobiography, “Laying Down my Net-A Walk of Faith.” It gives the real, very transparent, journey. Hard lessons but they brought me to where I am now. Trusting Him!
      Thank you for reading my story and blessings to you.


  2. Hi Sue.
    You are really inspire me in how you have been obedient to God…..Your walk with Him is unique and its for a purpose! Your level of obedience to God has really challenged me!



  3. Hi Rolain: The Lord has a purpose for each one of us and in order to accomplish that purpose He “deals with” each of us in different ways. Because I trusted no-one He had to take me out of my comfort zones and put me in situations where I absolutely had to trust Him. I don’t know how unique that is but it worked. 🙂 Hopefully He won’t have to go to quite those extremes with you. lol I think you would enjoy my book, “Laying Down my Net – A Walk of Faith.” It tells the whole story. Thank you for your comments and trust Him in all things. He’s faithful to do what He says He will.


  4. Wow – what a story. I am so glad you take the effort to listen, and choose to obey.


  5. My wife and I move just 3 months ago and we no it is not the last! In the past 21 years we have moved 11 times from the west coast to the east. We abut are now working are way from south to north, but someday we say move up to My home. Guess what I am all packed and ready to go!


    • Hi James. 7 times in 16 years for me. Yes, I’m ready for the move to my heavenly home, too. And I won’t have to pack! Thank you for your comment. Have a great week-end.


  6. Hi Ben: It all boils down to making that choice. I had to choose whom I would believe and what I was going to do about it. Every Christian has that choice. Thank you for your comment and yes, I choose to obey, even when I don’t understand what the Lord is doing or why. Thanks for reading and have a great week-end.


  7. I absolutely loved it! So glad that the Lord loves us enough to have the Holy Spirit lead us where He wants, (like to this blog for instance!) a great read and so looking for more, am following for sure!


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