New Book by our Blogger Friend – Greg Holt

Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

Review by Sue Cass –

Author of “The Narrow Road”

What has happened to America and Christ’s Church? That is the question many of us have asked and Greg Holt, in his first published book, answers that question and many more in, “Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church.” How did this happen and what role has the church played, if any, in the seemingly demise of our country? Greg answers this and much more with candor, honesty, and scripture. Greg writes with boldness and does not “soft-peddle” his answers as he covers topics many churches refuse, or are afraid of offending, to preach about; gay “marriage”, transvestite, abortion, what is sin? is only a few that he discusses and what God says about them.

Greg states, “The church was a place of refuge, a hospital for the spiritually sick, a place of hope, a place of love, and a place dedicated to Christ and the advancement of Him.” What happened to those churches and how has America and the church been changed now versus those from long past days, or have they? Find out the answers that may, or may not, surprise you.

I highly recommend this candid and thought-provoking book to all American’s and especially those who call themselves, “Christians.”

“Wake up America!” is a vast understatement!

Available at: (Kindle edition.)